Download software
File Downloads
This Section contains the files you can download for the game. They consist of the Full CWE Game file set as a zip file, the latest update to the executable file set, and various support files.
Release Page
The Releases documentation is linked to the Download Section as a sub page. Go to that page to view what changes have been made. Also, I will be posting in it what I am currently working on for the next update.
Full CWE Game
This download file contains all the files need to run the game. It comes as a zip file so there is no need of a special install. Just unzip this into the folder you want to have the game in. Just don’t use the Windows Program File folders. These have special restrictions regarding Read/Write access and the game won’t work in them. I recommend creating a sub folder like “C:/Games” and installing it in that. That will give you a path to the game in the form of “C:\Games\CWE_Battle”. Then you will be able to make a shortcut to the executable that will look like: “C:\Games\CWE_Battle\bin\Release\CWE_Battle.exe”. You will be able to find the game saves for PBEM by going to the folder: “C:\Games\CWE_Battle\Save”.
Executable Download
This is where I release new updates. As long as the last number in the version (fourth number) is the only one that changes, you can copy these files over the executable files in the “Release” folder to update the game with the latest fixes.
Periodically I will release updates for the game files other than the Release versions. These will usually be files like scenario updates, parameter changes, and graphic updates. They don’t require a reinstall of the full game and will have instructions on where to copy the new files too.
Hooker’s Attack
This is a word document that walks you through the first turn of the game.
Game Executable Files
This is the executable section only, not the full game file set.
These files must be installed into the game folder’s /bin/Release folder replacing the files by the same name there.
Full File upload has all current files. No new updates yet.
Full CWE Game
Zip file, over 0.6 GB
Be sure to install it in a folder you have full access to. Don’t use the “Program File” folder of Windows.
This download includes both the game executable and the Map Editor.
A short instruction document on how to use the Editor is in the Documentation folder.
This is the current version last updated on 5/6/20.